About us

ARP is managed by a dedicated team of professionals who share a common professional interest in global mobility and the betterment of the relocation industry service provision. As well as the team who run the day to day operations from Norfolk, ARP enjoys the support of elected board members from around the country who represent their sectors.  

ARP is managed by an elected governing board of six, with a President and representatives from:

Relocation Management Companies

Destination Service Providers

Property Finders

Specialist Providers.

Board members serve for a two year term on a voluntary basis.

Meet the Executive Board


Day to day activities are coordinated by ARP's appointed CEO Tad Zurlinden. He is supported by Dominic Tidey, Briony Horwood and Maree Turner who help coordinate our membership, accreditation and education programmes, administration, research, communications, Lobbying and events. 

Meet the ARP Team

ARP Team